

All our laboratories are well furnished with the latest equipment and pave way for our students to Observe, Experiment, Analyze and turn up with logical conclusions. Our laboratories create inquisitiveness among students and encourage them to come up with new ideas and solutions.

Our Facilities

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Physics laboratory

The laws of life and light are seen in the physics laboratory. It is here that the dark areas of ignorance are expelled, metaphorically speaking! And the light of knowledge abounds.

Students have well-chalked-out time frames for adequate laboratory sessions and the staff pays individual attention and guides them.

All budding science enthusiasts are taught the practical applications of
physics through live demonstrations.

The Lab assists high school physics students to cope with their physics lessons and guides them through their examinations and perhaps leads them to success in the field of physics in the future.

Chemistry laboratory

The mystery of Chemistry need not be a mystery anymore; our school provides the infrastructural Chemistry Lab to decode the mystery.

We provide a safe and well-protected gas plant to conduct the entire Chemistry practicals.

The children are trying out their best to ponder more over their experiments. All experiments are conducted here most hygienically and safely.

A fire-proof system is an added strength to avoid any untoward accidents.

New Project (78)

Botany Laboratory

Looking through a Microscope makes the students understand the intricacies of life.

Our facilities make them a better understanding of the scientific study of plant life.

Zoology Laboratory

The lab is well-equipped to deal with all questions on biological creations and experimentation.

It answers all questions related to physiology and explains the nature of human and animal forms.


Mathematics Laboratory

Mathematics Laboratory is an important section of the school where students perform syllabus-based activities and projects. Mathematics teaching is again turned into a game to teach difficult concepts through the play-way method.

Various modernized types of equipment like Place value kits, Spikes, Beads and Base cards are to replace tedious learning with a curiosity towards
Mathematics Concepts.

The management encourages teachers and students to make use of Math Lab as much as possible to make learning Mathematics more pragmatic and life oriented at the school level.

Computer Centre

A modern and well-furnished Computer lab with an ample amount of highly configured computers is available for use of students. Computer Science is taught as a compulsory subject that spans the elementary, middle, secondary and senior secondary levels.

All computers have access to applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, databases, and programming in a variety of languages.

The computers are equipped with network access to allow students to explore the Internet world. There are a variety of specialized educational programs installed on computers.

Students may work in the lab on subject-related projects, under the supervision of respective subject teachers. The latest software and hardware are made accessible to them to keep them abreast with the times.
